Tuesday, April 6, 2010

In a nutshell

Our Blog... Any suggestions

Discover the customs of marriage on the 5th continents brought us to create this blog. Indeed, our curiosity throughout the researches allowed us to present you the marriage's conception in part of the world. So, we can see the presentation of the marriage's customs in five countries: the warn atmosphere of Mexico, the beauty of India, the sympathy of Zimbabwe, the paradise of Polynesia and the romance of France.

Why have you chosen especially this countries ?

We have taken countries of each continent to represent the marriage ceremony in the world. The characteristics of the traditions, the progress of the ceremony, the finances or still the honey moon show the differences between the cultures.
We had published you the marriage's ceremony to present you the wealth of our world. The varieties of the cultures show the charm which we have of the marriage because the wedding symbolize the union between two persons and close relative and friends.

Our team Pierre, Lucy and Melinda hope that you enjoyed the blog of the marriage on the 5th continents, so if you have any suggestions about the blog, do not hesitate to contact us.

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