Saturday, March 27, 2010

Marriage in France ...

The Romance of France...

Marriage in France is a civil act and possibly religious binds a man and a woman for a life together and raise a family. In France, since an Act of April 4, 2006, man and woman may not marry before the age of 18 years (before the age of women was set at 15 years), unless parental consent.

The marriage is solemnized by a registrar of the municipality of residence of one spouse. In cases of marriage between French and foreigner, the registrar may decide to interview the spouses to determine if there is no likelihood of marriage. It can not however refuse to solemnize a marriage if the foreigner is illegal.

Religion :

France is a country of former catholic tradition, but where the weight of the Church decreased. Between 51 and 64 % of the population would be baptized, but a wide part of the population says to itself agnostic or atheist. The religious buildings represent about 30 % of the French historic monuments as for example :

Basilique st sacré coeur in Paris :

Cathédrale Notre Dame :

The lenght

The divorce is the official break of the marriage linking previously two persons. If the statistics are not still precise, it is estimated in France that a marriage on three ends by a divorce, the proportion tending to get closer to one on two for big cities.

The traditional costume:

All the little girls dream of one day wear the wedding dress ...

It is probably the prettiest dress a woman can wear. Its design can change and there are all sorts, but it will always be white, symbolizing purity. Sometimes the color is changed for those who want out of the ordinary, but it is very rare.

For the groom, he wears a smart and class costume which can be black, white, or navy blue.

Any extravagance is accepted if the couple wish to be different, as long as it remains decent.

Before the marriage...

Before the marriage, the man must ask the woman if she is agree or not to pass the rest of her life at his sides. By the traditional way, he must kneel before her and asked "will you be my wife?" the answer will decide if the marriage will take place or not….

The preparation of the marriage is very stressful because of all the things the newlyweds have to think about.

Indeed, they have to look after the administration paper, their costume, book a city hall and a church in the same city which are available the same day, gathering food, reserve a restaurant, make invitations for the guests, and also book the trip for their honey moon

They also have to choose their witnesses: the bride and the groom are represented by a witness, who usually is the best friend, a person of your family, or someone else you know you will never losing sight. They designate the bridesmaids of the bride and choose their outfits; they will take the veil of the bride and follow her during the ceremony at the church.

Place of the marriage:

The marriage take place in two different places. All the family and friends of both parties are present under invitation of marries.

First in the city hall where administration papers are signed to declare the marriage lawful. At this step, the marries do not necessarily suit their costume, they may be dressed as in their daily lives. But they generally wear their costumes to go then to church.

This is where the “real” ceremony take place, to unite the couple in front of god. The couple give each other the sacrament of marriage in the presence of the priest who blessed their union.

Then, they exchange their alliances that will bring to the ring so that everyone knows they are

no longer single but married. At this point, they can kiss that end the official act of marriage.

Then, the bride leaving the church use to turn against the church door at the top of the stairs and throw her bouquet of flowers behind her. The person will receive it will be married by the belief before the end of the year!

The party continues in a large room rented by married parents for a meal together. Games, songs and jokes are organized to enliven the ceremony. The meal ended with an evening dance, and they are the newlyweds who opened the bal with a dance both together.

Sometimes, the party can continue during two or three days !

After the marriage...

After the marriage, the newlyweds use to have a trip both together as a honey moon.

If they want to separate them, they have to divorce, i.e to annul the marriage...

The Finances...

Usually in France, it is the bridegroom which finance the marriage, but the most of the time, they receive a help of their parents. Indeed, their parents finances in part the newlyweds, help in the organization, because they want the most beautiful and a huge event marriage of their child.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pictures but there is a lack of uniformity in the article. At least the basics are there.
